Monday, November 15, 2010

Bus Tour - Westport > Lake Mahinapua (Pancake Rocks)

After Tauranga Bay stopped for some lunch. Missing Thanksgiving dinner I ended up making up for it by getting a chicken and cranberry sandwich, twas yummy. As we were eating lunch we saw to birds in the distance having a showdown.

Lunch stop.

The beginning of the walk to see the Pancake rocks. Obviously driving a couple hours and the rainy clouds were nowhere in sight.

Pancake rock chair.

These rocks are referred to as Pancakes cause all the years of built up rock they appear to look like a stack of pancakes that has been cut into by wind and see...Tasman sea.

On the left side of this bridge were things called "Blow-holes" which were pockets in the rock as where after a big wave the shooting water would follow up this pocket and burst. So you'd be walking across this bridge and then all of a sudden it was like a shot of water out of a random rock.

On this walk I ended up taking over 100 pictures. I thing these ones captured the place enough.

This was a ginormous bug I found in the toilet.

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